OTC CO Expectations

Think outside of the box a bit, you don’t need to be by people and the elk feel the same way. Plenty of great areas people hike right by. Most importantly have fun and pack out what you bring in. Thank you
Sounds like your expectations are fine. You will be camping in the mountains in the fall. Everything else is just a bonus. Don’t expect to find some dark hole with no one in it. That’s very unlikely. You’re going to be hunting spooked elk running between bedding areas.

Our goal is to see or hear elk everyday. That way we know we are in the elk just need a little luck.
Focus on learning the area. You may get lucky your first time out. But you have a 100% chance of increasing your chances in the future.
You'll most likely run into, see, or hear other hunters every day. Even so, that doesn't mean you'll have a bad hunt.

Some of my buddies archery hunted for the first time last year so i joined to help out. We hunted an OTC Colorado unit and ran into, or called in hunters every day in a spot that i picked. Meaning it was a the type of country people typically like to avoid yet there was young guys out there charging this thick steep stuff. A couple guys even came straight up a couple thousand vertical from the bottom which blew my mind. I'm in crazy good shape and I wouldn't even attempt that, much less to be there by 7am. Never the less everyone enjoyed the hunt.

I’m actually a little nervous about messing an elk up someone else was on without knowing it. Definitely been reading some of the etiquette posts I have.

Dude, don't let that stop you. Just try be smart and courteous while out there. If you know someone is on a bull back off. If you happen to mess someone up with out knowing it, that's life, shit happens at least you did your best to avoid that. That's more than can be said for a lot of assholes that are out there.
I tried to never let where I'd kill one bother me. It's probably unwise to think like that, but have a outfitter/packer lined up and kill wherever you can. When I say lined up, I mean you've talked to the guy, told him the dates and drainages you'll be hunting, and established how you'll get ahold of him (like texting his cell from your InReach). I'd call him a day or two ahead or during your drive just to verify he's ready.
I had a reputable packer lined up in WY last year. I hunt solo and was 66, have a minor pulmonary issue. Met him before the season, texted him a few times during the hunt. Then I found a good bull in a far drainage where I was pretty sure I could kill him the next day. Texted the packer that night and got, "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you the boss sent me to Nebraska a few days ago and I won't be back for two weeks".

If I'd have killed a bull back in there I'd have been screwed. So make sure your packer is available to pack......
I’m normally a backup plan to backup my backup plan kind of guy. Will definitely keep that in mind if I go the solo route and plan on using a packer. I am hoping to get at least 1-2 more people on board though so we can all blame each other for any mishaps when we get back home and are telling stories to our friends!
Expect to be caring for meat and have a plan to do so.
If I am lucky enough I will definitely plan on taking extreme care. I am even planning on cleaning a few whitetail in the woods on the ground this year. I know it will be a much bigger animal, but I have hung whitetails since I killed my first at 6 yrs old. Figured I would practice on what I could here just in case. I already have 5-6 of the big marine igloos for when we have jubilees where I’m from and you can scoop the flounder and crabs up with a net! Plan on bringing 2 with me and filling one up with clothes and the other full of ice blocks or frozen jugs.