Oregon or Idaho advice


Dec 30, 2016
southern oregon
Looking to head east of the Cascades.
I need a starting point for an area that is flat or a slight downhill, soft quiet dirt so I can sneak along undetected. Preferably the wind is always in my face or at least blowing side hill. As far as bull to cow ratio I’m looking for 2 300” bulls per 1 cow. I want tough elk that will head towards my truck at my drop off point and keel over behind the truck, if they expire in front of the truck I can live with that provided there is ample room to turn the truck around.
I prefer no others be in the area but if it’s ray Charles that’s okay. I need this to be OTC if it’s in Idaho since I don’t have points.

Thanks for the help in advance.
Probably the area I know of that comes closest to meeting those criterion is the high desert of eastern Oregon. Of coarse you may go a few weeks between sightings of elk.
If you are willing to compromise just a little, then with a couple of points you can hunt the Ochoco unit. I am sure Idaho has some reasonably flat units with good success ratios, but I don't know them. That is not where I hunted. May the force be with you or is that "may the wind be in your face."
Ha! Head over to Reedsport. Lots of elk that don’t mind humans that are right off Hwy 38!!! Not eastern OR but fits almost all of your reasonable criteria.
This is great.

You're looking for the Frank Church Wilderness. Easiest hiking and best access ever, with massive bulls. But shh, don't tell anyone.
Anyone that wants you to hunt the Eagle Caps after reading your criterion has another agenda, or they do not know the Eagle Caps. Probably both. The Eagle caps are not flat and killing a 300 inch bull next to a road is out.
To be fair, killing a 300 class bull in Oregon on public land with a OTC tag is a long shot. I think your best chance is a limited access ranch hunt or the high desert if you go with Oregon.
If Oregon and Idaho are both on your radar, look at the harvest statistics for both States. They don't score the bulls, but tell you about the number of six point bulls taken. The statistics can help, and it does not matter if the hunt is Oregon or Idaho or wherever. A 15% success on bulls is the same regardless.
The Roosevelt bull idea has some merit. You can get one close to a road, but flat land is hard to find. Also there are a lot of closed roads that may or may not work for you. At least you can walk roads and have a chance to shoot one close by. Of coarse they will likely run straight down and pile up in the very worst place on the planet. A 300 class Roosie bull is tough, but not totally impossible to get. :D
Another thing to consider is that Oregon has some units where only bulls, or just large bulls can be harvested. That might be of some advantage. Again, it is still a long shot to get a 300 class bull.
And also in a protected area that'll land you in the clink if you're dumb enough to take one.

Let me give you a hand there...
Definition of facetious
1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish just being facetious
2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious a facetious remark
— facetiously adverb
— facetiousness noun

From the OP, “I want a tough elk that will head towards my truck at my drop off point and kneel over behind my truck”.
It is hard to know if the thread is intended to be at all serious, if it is a sort of allegory, or is a totally facetious. It helps if we use avatars when we are just being silly.
After hunting the steep coastal jungles awhile, I can well imagine Tioga is serious about wanting a flat dry land hunt with big bulls, and by mid March he probably has gone so long without seeing the sun that it is likely affecting his head. I do not know if heaven has big bulls available for OTC tag hunting, but that is the only place I can think of that might meet all Tioga's criterion. Maybe Tioga has some points built up there, but is waiting to use them later. :D
I'm operating under the assumption it's a joke, wanting animals to fall dead next to the truck and all.

If it's not a joke, my apologies.