Oregon late season archery

Sep 6, 2018
Has anyone on here ever hunted the late season archery deer hunt in Oregon? I’m looking at going for the first time. Insert “Not looking for a honey hole”. I’m just looking for a legal buck. Even just places to start looking for them. I’ve hunted mule deer and elk in the central/eastern part of the state. Thanks in advance!

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Hunted it for many yrs.. I used to hunt up the tiller trail highway, everything on the right heading south east is in the Evans creek unit.. hunted up around oak ridge as well.. IMO the hunt isn’t what it used to be but what hunt that’s OTC really is anymore..
About the only thing I haven’t done is treestand hunt any of it.. I’ve rattled in a couple dink bucks, much prefer the spot and stalk..

There’s been a couple big fires up in that country that might ready to hunt as far as cover and feed. Stouts Creek is all locked up but there’s plenty of Forest Sevice land
Blacktail deer are everywhere. You will find them where you least expect them.I've seen the biggest bucks ever during late season. Mostly I just walk logging roads. Doesn't matter, if its in the trees or in a clearcut.
This was my first hunting for 3 late seasons before starting to chase elk for the last few years.
Don't do what I've done which is still hunting for blacktail. Haven't shot anything, have barely seen anything unless it's running away.
From all my homework, not experience, is to scout an area well and use a treestand.
You can bait in Oregon too.

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Hunt areas with plenty of forage and does. Good glass is a must. My preferred methods are spot and stalk or still hunting. Weather is usually pretty horrible which makes for great concealment and lots of deer movement. Bucks will be rutting. Road hunting can be very effective if looking for just a legal buck, especially on really bad weather days, but is boring.

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I've had the best luck for Blacktail out of a blind or on a treestand. Find where they are passing through and wait patiently. Don't disturb beds or feeding areas. Try to get em coming or going.
I live in Medford and have hunted late season quite a few times. I have noticed most days are slow in the Rogue unit but if you can hit that magical day the bucks are out full force chasing tail. I will PM you a couple starting spots.
Still hunting or creeping along logging roads is good. Doing it in crappy weather will up your odds of surprising one and there should be no shortage of that for late season. Can't go wrong just taking a lot of time glassing big cuts either. People drive by bucks all the time on very open cuts.

Yeah it could be good.

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