Oregon Fall Bear 2024


Feb 27, 2021
Hey all,
I know everything is burning and lots of areas are closed. Berries are really looking good though in my areas. Hopefully people are still able to get out and fill some tags!

As for myself, I’m severely limited on time this year but still have some good spots I plan on getting to. Hopefully I’ll have some pics soon but in the meantime let’s hear and see how your hunts are going.
I did some scouting early in the week but I usually dont hit Bear hunting hard until October in between the two general archery seasons.

I am kind of at a loss for what to do with all the forest closures though. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be running and gunning the coastal range this year. I hope by October every thing is opened back up.
IMG_3826.jpegI posted her in the 223 for everything thread. I was busy the first week of the season then went out about 4 afternoons. A lot of other hunters out. I went into some old reprod to do some still hunting and caught her slipping. A ~150 pound sow. Deboned/cleaned up meat weighed 48 pounds at the butcher. She is the 6th bear, I know of, taken so far this fall.
I am kind of at a loss for what to do with all the forest closures though. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be running and gunning the coastal range this year.
Are these public land closures or logging companies? Makes me less excited about Oregon, might just apply for SE Alaska.
Hey all,
I know everything is burning and lots of areas are closed. Berries are really looking good though in my areas. Hopefully people are still able to get out and fill some tags!

As for myself, I’m severely limited on time this year but still have some good spots I plan on getting to. Hopefully I’ll have some pics soon but in the meantime let’s hear and see how your hunts are going.
Yesterday was my first day out this year, didn’t see any bears.
About 30 minutes into the first day of fall bear hunting for me I caught this sow coming out of a blackberry bush at about 7 yards.
I just got a postcard from ODFW stating that this bear was aged at 13 years old. Pretty surprising to me as she was not very big and her teeth didn't show that much wear.
I just got a postcard from ODFW stating that this bear was aged at 13 years old. Pretty surprising to me as she was not very big and her teeth didn't show that much wear.
That’s a good age! Mine came back at 6, and her teeth were all mangled/broken/rotten. I expected she would have been in her teens.
Here's the skull. Someone with more experience can weigh in on the teeth, to me they look pretty good.


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