
Dont let someone else decide how you should hunt! Its about what you want out of it, not what others think you should do.

My family gave me a hard time after my first archery trip, when we came back with no elk. I wasn't really bummed at all, it just made me more driven to go back. And i wasnt about to change the way i wanted to elk hunt so i could be more productive to them. I worked a little harder and took what i learned from the first trip and with a little luck i killed a bull a couple days into the season. It was worth doing it my way.
If your friend already hunts with a bow- talk him into it. If he doesn't, then leave his girly fanny at home and go kill a bugling bull.
My local hunting partners are the same way. They aren't willing to put in the effort, and would rather take the easy way out. My solution....go alone! If you want to bow hunt, then do it. Don't let someone else ruin it for you.

If your partner decides to tag along in September, make sure you are VERY clear about your expectations. Set your dates and stick with them even if he's ready to leave. Don't let his lack of work ethic jeopardize your hunt. If he wants to leave, take him to the nearest town and he can either wait until you're done, or get a plane ticket home.
I would recommend at least one trip for a hunt out west with a partner. Then you can ditch him and go solo the next year once you have had a chance to see what its all about.

I personally would rather archery hunt solo and rifle hunt with partners due to the potential of snow and bad weather. The weather is normally awesome during archery except when it rains.

For the record, I have seen more elk during archery but we have killed more elk during rifle.
I started sending him y'alls comments and as of right now he is all in!!
Question... I'm an eastern flat lander that plans on heading west. The dilemma is my hunting partner is anti elk with a bow, his reasoning is it's to hard. I, on the other hand, don't mind failure I just want that opportunity to take one with a bow. If we compromise and go late OTC Rifle in Colorado, will I be throwing money in the trash to take my bow?

I’ve always wanted to do the same! Just imagine once you accomplish it, the story will be worth it all.

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