I bought a Savage Hog Hunter in 308 from Gander Mountain when they were going out of business. It is the best $367 I have spent on firearms. Sure, it's heavy and the stock is sub-par. But damn does it shoot. It shoots Winchester Power Point 180gr and similar loads within 1" at 100 yds. It shoots Hornady Precision Hunter 178gr ELD-X into 0.5" groups. Add a silencer co harvester big bore, and it kicks like a butterfly and punches tight clover leaf groups at 100 yds. Shot off bags, no vice or bipod.
I would like to load some Lapua Mega bullets or Swift A Frame and deal swift deaths to bucks and bulls in cover.
The hardest question is, "What optic to use for this gun?"
An answer depends on manny factors including those based on usage and budget. The big barrel at on 20" makes the rifke hold well from standing and seated positions. Iron sights a a grea backup, but the rear sight may interfere with scope objectives. You will have to remove the rear iron sight, raise your scope above the rear iron sight, or you will have to choose a different scope.
I went with option 3. That gun wore a variety of scopes.Tried Zeiss, Leupold, Vortex. Using a picatinny base made all this tinkering quite easy. My favorite was a Steiner TX5i 1-4x24 which is now on another 308. Right now it wears a Leupold VX!3 4.5 - 14x 40mm (1inch).
I got the Leupold on super sale fro new-old stock when the VX-3i. It a little heavy which soaks up recoil. I added a YHM suppressor and the gun really starts to shoot.
I would go with quick research rings to allow access to the iron sight.
Good luck.