Optics setup for the primarily whitetail hunter

Dec 31, 2019
Western PA
Looking to upgrade my Leupold BX-4 10x42s after several years of use. They've served me well but I've found myself wanting to step up to something better after some recent hunts. I mostly archery hunt whitetails from a saddle or treestand and try to make a trip west every year for elk, deer or antelope.

I was pretty set on getting a pair of alpha binos, like the Swaro EL 8.5x42 or Zeiss SFL 8x40, but with the increased popularity of the Sig Zulus, I'm also looking at those in 10x30. For folks who have used both, what's your preference? I have a tripod for the non-stabilized binos.

For antelope and deer hunts, I'm also looking for something bigger and debating between a spotter or high power binos. I've been hesitant on getting bigger glass since they won't get used much outside of a week or so every year or a little at the range. I'm usually not super concerned with score, but especially on my antelope hunt last year it would have been nice to take closer looks at some bucks.
I've gone thru this debate with myself many times. For whitetail hunting in the woods, I've settled on the 8x56 SLC.

Never hunted antelope, and at this point probably never will, but those SLCs are perfect for me.
Also a whitetail hunter who occasionally goes west. I generally prefer compact binos in the woods, but otherwise same/same. The only thing to really add is that Ive used my rangefinding binos on the last couple trips west, and really like that setup other than the physical size and weight. Personally Im not really concerned with score even a little, so have no use for a spotter of any size-theres times Ive wished for more magnification but if im honest with myself Ive rarely/never not been able to see what I need with 10’s. I think a set of 8x or 10x compact rangefinding binos, paired (only where it makes sense) with a set of 15x’s to be used on a tripod, would be pretty ideal. Most times Ive been entirely happy with 10x binos and no spotter.