Opinions on NorCal Wilderness Area's

Aug 17, 2022
Hello Everyone,

I finally decided to make a post on the forum. I'm fairly new to hunting, started 5 years ago and still learning a ton. As a Mail man that only has 5 years in, I only have a handful of days I can take off from work. Prioritizing family trips, scouting trips and finally hunting trips. I only get one of each for scouting and hunting lol. However, i usually can get one of the family trips turned into another scouting trip lol. I have gotten pretty successful in turkey hunting, however, deer is a different story lol. Anyways, I am curious on you all opinion is on Marble Mountains and Trinity Alps. I do understand there are a few post from the past, which I have read. Some had some great insight on the trinities, but seems like a lot of people don't really talk about the Marbles (for deer hunting atleast) and the Russian's much.

I have gone on a few backpacking trips in both WA's and both are gorgeous. I noticed that the Marble's were less crowded but I have yet to see any deer. However, I did see a bunch bears (passed on one only 1 mile into my trip which I'm still kicking my butt for not trying. A beautiful big cinnamon color) and cows!! Lots of Noisy Cows lol. While in the Trinities, I definitely see a lot of people all over the place at different trailheads and seems to me that the east Trin's are just insanely populated with hikers. I have seen a ton of does and bears on my Trinity trips, but zero bucks again. I have also done a couple day trips to Russian Wilderness, however, my attention was not into finding deer. Mainly keeping an eye on my little ones while we were hiking around.

So now my question, if you couldn't tell already, what are your thoughts on these 3 WA's? I already have a plan for both trinity and marbles. While I haven't had luck in finding a buck in either one yet, that luck will change eventually or I will finally have accumulated enough experience from my scouting and hunting trips that will finally help me find a Buck. I guess my sole purpose is just looking for guidance to help narrow down which WA i should try this season. Also, would the Russians even be worth looking into? Do they even have a decent deer population? Like I mentioned earlier, I haven't really tried looking for any in that WA.

I look forward to everyone's input and maybe I can find a hunting mentor that can finally teach me some more things that I am missing. Also, I hope no one gets the wrong idea, I'm not asking for spots or direct go here type information. Once again, just looking opinions between these WA's and what the positive and negatives.

Thank you for anyone that was able to sit and read through all my rambling.

- MIke


Apr 5, 2018
People pull bucks out of those areas consistently every year. I hunted the Trinities my first year out and spent a few days in a particular drainage. Didn't see one deer but saw plenty of sign and pretty sure we had a bear in camp in the middle of the night. But, I was brand new and didn't know what I was doing really.

I've since moved further away from the area and scouting/trips out that way aren't really feasible. Like most people will tell you, time in the woods is the best teacher. You'll learn what areas are productive vs. not, and getting away from roads and trails for the most part helps significantly.

There are also some outfitters in that neck of the woods that can accommodate you with either pack stock or a guided trip (if that's something you'd be interested in.

Lastly, always have a bear tag. As you've seen, you're going to see a lot more of them than deer. And there are some TANKS up there.
May 13, 2015
Long long ago I had a firing pin spring rust and break from an almost constant drizzle-rain, causing me to lose out on a record book buck in the Marbles. I haven't hinted it in more than a couple decades. The deer there really like the thick stuff, and much of the country is quite thick. As such, you could be looking at a deer and it only takes 1 to 3 steps for it to disappear. In short, opportunities can often be very brief, and you need to bring your A game.

Back then, many did well during the migration, but that takes being in the right place at the right time, and knowing migration routes.

Outside the migration, it can be tough. But, the more time you spend in an area, the more you learn about the deer occupying it. Going slow and patience can pay off.

From what I know, the Marbles are notvwhat they use to be, as far as herd numbers. But there are still some bruisers there. Lastly, you do not need to be in the wilderness to get it done.


Jun 27, 2023
The benefit of the WAs is less pressure and a better chance at some solitude but I haven’t found it equates to better hunting. In fact I have done quite well in highly pressured areas using the other hunters to my advantage as they push deer around.


Mar 20, 2021
You are shopping WAs like they are used cars. Pick a place learn it and hunt it . The deer concentrations are basically the same everywhere in the state. Finding them is on you .
well actually there are higher deer concentrations closer to town so if that’s what you want go hunt someone’s tomato garden .

also please remember that an adult bear eats on average 20 fawns a year so if you want to help the deer please for gods sake start killing bears