Open Country vs. Subalpine


Sep 2, 2016
I hate having a million different camo patterns. Who's sticking with Open Country? Seems like Sitka is tailoring Subalpine for the elk hunter and Open Country to the sheep hunter. Certain pieces are only being offered in the different patterns. To switch or not to switch. That is the question.
I realize it's ridiculous but I think I might be a camo matching kind of guy. 1st World problems.
When Open Country came out it was marketed as the end all be all for Western Hunting....The camo industry has this marketing stuff dialed in haha.
Kinda like FL and their fusion and new cypher. I doubt they 're any different in the ungulate eyes. Just good marketing for the gear junkies.
I just bought a few more pieces in open country. I deem using it since they first released it and killed everything I ever hunted in it. Don't see any reason to change to the new pattern just yet.
I realize it's ridiculous but I think I might be a camo matching kind of guy. 1st World problems.

The Subalpine has a little too much green for the Ranch I hunt with elevation 9500 to 10400 feet. Mostly white Aspen trunks, and the leaves have fallen or already changed color when I go (late October). The Open Country color pattern seems to work better for me when and where I hunt. Also, I ONLY have Open Country and can't afford any new stuff, so Subalpine is not on my radar.
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I am a bit of a camo hobo. I will mix and match. I did drink some of the cool aid and buy some subalpine. I really dig my jet stream. Used it for spring turkey and will use it early in deer season here in the east. I still hunt from the ground so don't like the tree stand specific patterns or the highly treestand specific clothing items.

I am sure I could have been fine with another pattern but liked the look so I gave it a try.

I would say subalpine is a more dense pattern so one presumes it would be more likely to "blob up" at longer distances vs a more open pattern like ASAT or open country. Who knows. While, I tend to agree that the wind and movement are first order priorities and color and pattern are less important.

I have been at bad breath distance with a couple of white tail wearing camo of one form or another, including once last year at 5 yards while I was decked out in fusion. That experience convinces me that there is something to be said for patterns that offer a little bit of break up for your outline as compared to solids.
I hunt in Alaska and here is my take. SubAlpine vs. Optifade: I find that SubAlpine seems to work best (to MY eye) for Spring Bear hunts and fall moose hunts. Above timberline the Optifade OC seems to work better. With that said, if I saw in black and white I doubt it would be to big of a difference. :) I like how Sitka has been making more solids.

I have been testing the new Ascent Shirt. It's been one of my favorite pieces of new gear from Sitka this year. Super comfortable, love the collar, and it just seems to fit me well. Not sure how to artfully articulate that. Sometimes certain pieces just seem like they were tailor made for me.
Sitka Gear | Turning Clothing Into Gear
Sure hope they make the Ascent shirt in a solid some day. Price might turn one away, but you gotta try it to understand. At around 5ozs its been a summer favorite.
I may be forced to try a few Subalpine pieces, only because that's the only pattern they are offered in. The aforementioned Ascent shirt felt awesome the other day at Cabelas. Same for the Kelvin Active. Both great for the hot weather here in Texas...

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I already had a bunch of open country but I bought some subalpine pants and lightweight hoodies for early season elk. I totally agree that both patterns are probably for the most part equally effective on ungulates. But after seeing several videos of guys in the subalpine pattern disappear in the elk woods I was sold, not so much for hiding from elk, but to avoid the human eye. Elk can't see very well so camo doesn't matter much in my experience, but I really like to remain hidden from other hunters. Maybe that is ridiculous, but I liked the lightweight hoodies a lot anyway and needed a couple new pairs of pants. I also got a couple of the hoodies in open country for stalking the sage country for archery antelope.
I think I wear camo for the same reasons. For whatever reason I like not being seen by other hunters. Growing up back east I used to love having guys walk right by totally unaware that I was there. I despise wearing hunter orange and while I know it's marketed as a safety precaution, I think it's ultimately mandated so you're easier to spot by LEO's. That being said I've had nothing but positive interactions with game wardens and LEO's while hunting and in everyday life.
I saw some black and white side by side comparison photos. I wish I could remember where they were posted. In any event the OC did a noticeable better job breaking up the outline. That said I think the subalpine is a better looking camo to my eyes. Let's call a spade a spade ...they released a new patten to sell more clothing to hunters who probably already have a bunch of Sitka gear, not out of a need for a new patten to alleviate any short comings of the others pattern.
it's new it looks cool and works well. Take my money.