OnX Downloaded Map Size??


Jan 19, 2020
Any way to cut down the size of the downloaded maps?
All mine are around 35 mile perimeter and 45k acres.
I’m not seeing any way of adjusting the size that is downloaded.
Some of my maps could be about a third of that size and I’d like to save the space. Thanks.
Yes. Get your new offline map box displayed. Pick your level of imagery detail. Then zoom the map with your mouse on computer or two fingers on phone. The map box size stays the same but you change the area that is inside the box. As you zoom, map acreage and file size decrease.

I believe I’m doing what you’re saying.
What I would like to be able to do is “crop” like you would a picture.
Meaning bring the top and bottom green lines a lot closer to the boundaries like they are on the left and right.
Is something like that possible?
That’s kinda where I’m at.
Would be nice. It would cut down on a lot of unnecessary space that I have to download.
I’ve got multiple maps that are like this.