One shot question šŸ§

My sizing process is all super small batches. Am I opening myself up to more inconsistency that way if my sizing die is getting setup multiple times? Probably, but I havenā€™t seen it matter, yet.

Unless itā€™s some range pickup stuff that Iā€™m stockpiling that Iā€™m not going to use any time soon thatā€™s all nasty and *needs* cleaning I donā€™t store fired/primed/unsized brass, generally.

As soon as I get done shooting (or within a day or two, but usually same day) I just run everything through the FL sizing die. Rarely more than say, 50 pieces at a time. Usually itā€™s much less than that if Iā€™m goofing off shooting a plate I have hanging out in the woods off the porch after work, or doing some load dev. Sometimes it might even be 10 pieces.

Its such small batches that itā€™s not a PITA to wipe everything down with a shop rag before going in my sized/deprimed brass bin, so thatā€™s what I do.

If itā€™s exceptionally dirty or I just want to feel pretty, when I get a full peanut butter pretzel container (cabelas/bass pro, best brass containers and the pretzels are good) of it Iā€™ll wet tumble. But I rarely bother with that truth be told. I have a brass catcher for my AR and donā€™t let my bolt gun brass hit the ground, my stuff is fairly ā€œcleanā€ it just looks ugly.
I recall from one of the Hornady podcasts with Jeff Siewert that he said bolt load doubles if you have a lubricated case, as the friction that's normally transferred to the chamber wall through the case is now being turned into aft thrust on the bolt. I believe it was the cartridge case episode if you care to give it a listen.
I never used to tumble sized cases. However, I started loading with Staball 6.5, and the tiny flakes stick to One Shot residue in the case neck after sizing. This is an annoying pain in the butt, so now I'm tumbling the brass for a couple hours to remove the lube. I've not seen the same issue with Varget, H1000, or IMR 4831 due to the different grain size/shape.
Just loaded up some 7-08 rounds with SB 6.5 after tumbling and the grains poured straight in without any stickage. Problem solved.
I use SB 6.5 and donā€™t clean my brass after sizing and never had an issue with powder sticking to the case mouth. I didnā€™t know that was a thing for some folks. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
I use Imperial, but my buddy uses One Shot. We havenā€™t run into those issues, yet.
Huhā€¦. Maybe Iā€™m using too much, IDK. I guess Iā€™d rather use too much and have to tumble vs. have a stuck case. Not a big deal and hey I get shiny cases, lol!

Iā€™m gonna upgrade my Redding sizer die with a carbide button and forgo lube all together. Not sure if Hornady has similar for my 7-08 dies.
Huhā€¦. Maybe Iā€™m using too much, IDK. I guess Iā€™d rather use too much and have to tumble vs. have a stuck case. Not a big deal and hey I get shiny cases, lol!

Iā€™m gonna upgrade my Redding sizer die with a carbide button and forgo lube all together. Not sure if Hornady has similar for my 7-08 dies.
It's not the button that needs it so you'll still have to use lube on the outside if you don't want stuck cases.
It's not the button that needs it so you'll still have to use lube on the outside if you don't want stuck cases.
I used to run Redding carbide dies when loading for 45LC without lube and never had any issues. That was the value for the more expensive dies.

On the Redding site it says, "Make inside neck sizing smoother and easier without lubrication. Now you can upgrade your die sets with a carbide size button kit."

It would kinda be a waste of money to spend $40 on a carbide upgrade if you still had to lube the cases. :unsure:
I used to run Redding carbide dies when loading for 45LC without lube and never had any issues. That was the value for the more expensive dies.

On the Redding site it says, "Make inside neck sizing smoother and easier without lubrication. Now you can upgrade your die sets with a carbide size button kit."

It would kinda be a waste of money to spend $40 on a carbide upgrade if you still had to lube the cases. :unsure:
Yeah you might be able to get away with it with straight wall cases but bottleneck I would bet money you'd be pissed pretty quick. Hell I've stuck lubed cases in finnicky dies, lol. I use regular expanders in standard Hornady FL sizing dies and have never lubed the inside of a neck, it's really a non issue.
Yeah you might be able to get away with it with straight wall cases but bottleneck I would bet money you'd be pissed pretty quick. Hell I've stuck lubed cases in finnicky dies, lol. I use regular expanders in standard Hornady FL sizing dies and have never lubed the inside of a neck, it's really a non issue.
Good to know and "...if it sounds too good..." and all that. Thanks!