One eye open or both?

Split finger pure instinctive so,both eyes closed works pretty well....

And not joking. We started doing things a bit different on the coon shoots at the big bow rondys.... you get 2-1/2 to 3 seconds and then the maglight gets turned OFF,haha. The real instinctive shooters don't care.... just sayin.
I absolutely could not imagine shooting instinctive with one eye closed . Seems like a self induced handicap, but thats just me. I guess everyone has a preference. What do some of the gurus say ?
I think the best I heard on this one was from a target archer who said that ALL Olympic-level competitive archers - ALL OF THEM shoot both eyes open. Not saying you can't shoot with one eye, but if you had to pick a rationale for going with one over the other I think that's pretty solid evidence. He explained it as helping provide your brain with more information, helps with depth perception etc.
Just like when you kiss a Truely beautiful woman . Both eyes open , if she closes " her " eyes she is pretending your someone else . Now there's a bow shooting tip for ya's pay attention next time and post your results ! 😄