I was camped at 11,500 and decided to come down this morning. If I had anything other than a floorless shelter, I’d have just stayed and rode it out. Have plenty of food and clothes. I wasn’t seeing anything anyway. So many damn people everywhere. ATV’s non stop. Even as high up as I was, constant traffic. I hunted all the above tree line just to get away from people. Never seen an elk, but glassed up two giant mule deer. I’m talking studs! Above treeline on the highest ridge top in the area. Just feeding across it. Watched them for 20-30 minutes.
I’ve moved to a new area. Flying blind now as I have no game plan. Gonna see what the snow does and just start driving.
As others have said, they'll probably hunker down for a day or two, but I wouldn't expect them to move out of the area. Fresh snow makes for good fresh sign. It may also drive other hunters out, never know. Good luck and be safe.