One bow, multiple setups?

I'd say absolutely just pick a setup that can get everything done and go with it. You'll have tons of confidence and be automatic with your shooting.
Thanks everyone for the input. With the insight, I think I'll get one setup. I have picked up a dozen Victory Rip TKO's. I'll be at around 485gr and shooting pretty fast at my draw length and weight. I'm thinking if I can't get my broadheads to tune, I'll add some backweights and slow it down a bit. Hopefully I can report back some good results...

Thanks again for the replies and counsel.
70# 31.5" draw
You are golden regardless, by default, your arrow will be way plenty for elk even if you try to build light, and your trajectory will be good unless you try to build crazy heavy.

I would for sure keep it simple, that’s easier for you than the vast majority because of the energy your bow creates.

I could see if someone shooting 50# with a 26” draw and wanted to go shoot tac, and hunt elk, 2 builds may make sense, but in your case, I cannot think of a potential scenario where the pros outweigh the cons.

I could see shooting different heads for different stuff, but just build one arrow, become very familiar with your trajectory, and keep killing stuff with it building confidence in that arrow setup. Shoot a big nasty head for smaller stuff, and a tough modest cut size fixed head for bigger critters… no reason to add complications with your specs
I have picked up a dozen Victory Rip TKO's. I'll be at around 485gr and shooting pretty fast at my draw length and weight. I'm thinking if I can't get my broadheads to tune, I'll add some backweights and slow it down a bit. Hopefully I can report back some good results...
I shoot almost 33" draw at 75lbs with 30" arrows. I'm currently shooting RIP TKO Elite 250's with 75gr HIT's and 125's. They come in right at 500gr and my bow BH tunes great. You shouldn't have any troubles with that setup for any species in NA.