Regarding pulling rigs and such, there are probably innumerable ways to build them and get the job done. Certainly a lot easier if you have plenty of space and weight allowance to take a good rig with you. One principle of pulling anything is that you must have an anchor to pull toward, and moose (or other huge animals) don't take this into account when they decide to lay down and be dead. Therefore, you must somehow devise an anchor where none exists....or else you just don't use a pulley system.
Contained within this story (link) is a section regarding butchering and meat recovery. I had to physically pull the bull away from a hazard and did use my own pulley system and anchors.
15 Days Alone
I’ve killed quite a few moose but I made a pact that if I couldn’t get a 4wheeler within 50 yards I wouldn’t shoot it.I passed on a several good bulls over the years that were standing tits deep in water. Had a buddy kill one in a swamp one time and it was the worst experience of my life butchering that thing in knee deep water. I could never understand why guys I knew would do fly out hunts for moose knowing good and well they might be packing them miles, PHUCK that , moose are too damn big for that to be any fun at all. I never didn’t kill a moose when I wanted to using much easier methods. The best pack out I ever had was the bull I arrow’d in my neighbors yard and it died in the dry ditch at the edge of our road. Backed the truck up right to it and only had to haul it 100 yards truck!