I definitely have a soft spot for old rifles. Come to think of it, I have a soft spot for a lot of old stuff, vehicles, bamboo fly rods, furniture, and the list goes on and on. I only have one pre-64 model 70, a circa 1955 .243, but I also have a circa 1954 model 94 in 30-30, a circa 1893 model 1873 in 32wcf, a circa 1899 model 1894 in 30wcf, and over a dozen other small calibers that were all produced in the late 1800's to early 1900's. My favorite though is my great-grandfathers Marlin Model 18, .22 short pump action rifle that my great-great-grandfather gave him (new), when he was 9 years old, back in the late 1800's. As for the rifles I've hunted with, I've had the 30wcf on one hunt for mountain goat and sitka blacktail deer, but I've only been able to kill a couple deer with it, and my great-grandfather's .22 that I've killed a fair amount of small game with.