Old man goes toe to toe with a grizzly


Super Moderator
Jun 26, 2012
Denver, CO
Something new today - because I'm tired of seeing the "Rokslide Scouting" thing haha. So I was watching tv and saw this old man on it telling his storing of him killing a grizzly with a folding pocket knife. I had to look it up obviously. Well, here is the story of Gene Moe from Alaska.

Everyone take a deep breath from the heated Scouting talk and read a good story.

I was watching the same show. Interesting story but that show is almost painful to watch IMO. I'm looking forward to Finding Bigfoot later though!!!! I'm in a hotel so I'm bored off my ass.
LOL it is a painful show to watch.

Show makes me cring. All these "reality" gun shop shows portrait hunters and shooters in a very poor way IMO. Rock on, Gene Moe. Kinda one or those moments in live where you decide to live or die.