Old, cool, impractical but still fun to shoot calibers

Here's my son with his Remington Model 600 centennial chambered in 6mm Remington. He shot an antelope as his first big game animal with that rifle with a 100 gr. Nosler Partition I loaded for him. He's taken a couple antelope with that rifle. It was my first big game rifle as well. My father purchased it in a little country store in Nye Montana back in about 1967. The rifle sat in that store since about 1964 shortly after it was made. My dad kept looking at it and drooling until he finally purchased it and gave it to me.
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Look at the rifle stock and you can see the Centennial Medalion in the stock.
I like the post, but the ones listed, 221Fireball, 222 Rem, 6mm Rem are far from impractical.
I like them and run all of em, still having guns built in 221 and 222, coyotes, prairie dogs and targets hate em, others that hold a place in my heart are 220 Swift, 257 Roberts, 6.5 Rem Mag and 350 Rem Mag.