Offseason Bow Maintenance — Limb Pockets? How Far Do You Go?


Jan 11, 2022
I have a 5 year old Bowtech RevoltX. It’s been great, but went through some significant rain this offseason. Normally I’d just pull off the rest and sight and clean those up, swap strings/cables, but it’s got a slight creaking noise sometimes when drawing the bow. I’m pretty sure it’s coming from the limb pocket, so I am considering tearing down the limbs, cleaning, and adding some grease.

Anybody else tear down a bow to the limbs? What is your normal cleaning and off season maintenance program? Any suggestions for DIY bow maintenance and removing limbs (particularly for a first timer)?
Sometimes it’s a module causing the creak, not the limb pocket. Take the module off, put some string wax on the side that touches the cam, see if that fixes it.

If you have to break the bow down, it’s a really simple but nerve wracking process the first few times you do it. It’s wild how much travel is in the limbs. You’ll feel like there’s no way you’re going to have to keep unwinding the press, and then you’ve still got at least 5 more turns to go. Same thing goes in reverse when you put it back together. Take the max safe turns of the limb bolts before breaking it down.

Take lots of pictures and a video of the bow before you break it down. Makes putting everything back in the right place easy.

As far as the limb pockets, I’ve used lithium grease in the past. I’ve had better luck just using string wax to stop creaking. Coat anything and everything that’s in contact with something else.

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