Odd 30-30 ammo identification


Nov 13, 2013
rohnert park, Ca
Anyone ever seen bullets like this loaded in a 30-30 or have an idea what they are. Was given a bunch of these handloaded rounds by a friend



They all are hollow points with an x type crimp of sorts

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Those are a little different. They look similar to some old Herter's Bullets I found where the lead tip separated from the core or the rest of the bullet and fell out. Other theory is that they are some early hollow points from sierra, the irregular shape hollow throws me off. Because it is in the 30-30, I would assume that these are handloads and I would pull a bullet and weigh it and do a search that way. I am betting that they are light 110-125 grain hollow points or some such. We used to load these for my Godfather who used these for coyotes out of a Savage 340 bolt action. Best shot with iron sights at ranges beyond belief for a young man back in the day.
Thanks ya the more I looked at them and thought about it I’ll probably just toss them or pull apart for the brass no need to mess up a nice old gun over some free ammo

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Those are sierra hpbt's from the 90's. I would NOT shoot those in a tube magazine. They MAY be ok, but they may also NOT be ok.