Obenaufs heavy duty LP leather preservative.

In the greater spokane cda area there are 5 custom boot builders, nicks, whites, hoffmans, JK, franks.....and you'll find this on all of their shelves.
I tried it and liked it initially. But it stayed sticky and dust/dirt stuck right to it. I didn't clean the boots off regularly and in pretty short order the leather was worn right through around the mid foot where the boot flexed. The stuck on grit acted like sandpaper and wore through the leather.

Switched to their leather oil and haven't had any issues.
I use it on several products but be cautious. I know both Kenetrek and Crispi won’t warranty a boot that it is used on. It creates a true seal which is great but boots won’t breathe any more once you apply and the leather can rot from the bottom up. Once sealed you can’t get the proper oils down to the base. Great for any chromium tanned leather but can be hard on a vegetable tanned leather.
This stuff is the bomb. All I use

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My two cents:

The OP said on "Hunting Boots" specifically, so I would say, for a hunting boot that is "Full Grain or Nubuck Leather" then you need a conditioner/waterproofed that will allow the leather and Gore-Tex (or whatever waterproof liner) to breathe. Any "oil type" conditioners or sealers will clog the pores and will hinder the breathability. If you look at what Crispi has recommended over the years and the product that they have now come out with, it's all synthetic based and is made to work specifically with Nubuck/Full Grain leather as well as in conjunction with Gore-Tex. I highly suggest you go that route. This year, I'll be running Grangers. Did a lot of testing with it, alongside Nikwax and Crispi Cream. Crispi cream is a great product but it is expensive. Grangers is looking great to me and it's a good price which will encourage me to use it the way all the top boot manufacturers suggest; "little and often, instead of heavy and rarely". Below is a couple pics of before and after on a pair of Zamberlans.



AFTER: With Grangers Leather Conditioner

As has been stated before and in other threads, oil based preservatives can soften the glue that holds the rubber rands onto the leather. I have used obenhaufs before and experienced it first hand. As for leather conditioners/waterproof cream, my favorite is Zamberlan hydrobloc which is water based.

I have used Obenhaufs, Nikwax, Kenetrek Montana Pitch Blend and the Zamberlan Hydrobloc and the Hydrobloc is the best by far IME. It seems like the leather likes it - it seems to soak it up and as a result the waterproof qualities seem to last longer as well.
I have used Huberd's Boot Grease for the past few years and have found that it works quite well at both preserving leather and water proofing. I wait for a 90 degree day, spread on the Huberd's and let the sun melt it into the leather. I re-apply and know I'm good when there is excess that won't soak in. Wipe off the excess and I'm good to go.