Way to go, SJ. Nice one.
So , are some of us going to climb on their high horse and second guess Slim's shot selection ? If he thought he could make the shot it's good by me. Please , let's just enjoy the story and be happy for Slim.
So , are some of us going to climb on their high horse and second guess Slim's shot selection ? If he thought he could make the shot it's good by me. Please , let's just enjoy the story and be happy for Slim.
So , are some of us going to climb on their high horse and second guess Slim's shot selection ? If he thought he could make the shot it's good by me. Please , let's just enjoy the story and be happy for Slim.
Going to have to respectfully disagree here Shrek. I think it's certainly a good thing to question questionable shot choices. There is nothing more I hate to see than wounded animals out there. The fact is that a headshot with an arrow is a relatively low probability shot. Period. I think it is incumbent on responsible hunters to point that out.
Certainly, congrats on the buck Slim!