NRA Files Chapter 11

Nov 6, 2017
As much as the NRA has fallen out of favor with me, I'm looking forward to see how the battle goes from here at least with respect to the NY AG's office. Based on the NRA's own posts, however, it doesn't sound like any other changes to personnel are in the works....
I looked into an organization that was trying to take on Wayne and some of the others, but my questions went unanswered. It would be great to try to communicate with the only ones who can remove Wayne - the board. But based on the info I gathered at the time, it sounds like the board members who would have supported a change were run out. Since I'm hard headed, I may still try to contact someone. Anyone.
I just joined GOA as well; I have not been an NRA member for about a decade. I just don't know if I want to rejoin the NRA or not. However, we certainly need to be fighting for our 2nd Amendment rights.
Don’t think new leadership would matter at this point. The NY AG should and likely will destroy what is left.
I expect Wayne to max out the company card on suits and shoes.
Good riddance.
LaPierre destroyed the NRA years ago; I was a member until I couldn't sit down to dinner any longer without getting a phone call from the NRA asking for a donation to fight this or that. This was at least 15 years ago; I asked what are my membership dues used for - they said something about administration etc. It's obvious they are used for guys like LaPierre to live high on the hog - I have no problem with someone getting paid what their worth but that guy and the rest of the executive's in that organization have gone rogue off the charts with their personal spending.

Oliver North tried to expose their fraud, waste, and abuse and they quickly ousted him - they are like a damn crime family. The only way they will ever get any money from me is if they gut that organization from the top down.