Northern NM Rut


Apr 16, 2018
Afternoon all, I'm starting to figure out my applications for 25 and I was looking at NM rifle. I was wondering if the mid-November rifle hunts in northern NM catch any of the rut or if they're too early. I know that the southern units don't get rutting activity until late December or January. I'd appreciate any insight, thanks.
I hunted NW NM some years back. No rut activity I could detect that year in mid-Nov. Bucks were still running together.
agree pretty close to what @butcherboy said above but if you're on Instagram, ask @muleymojo (Jeremy Dugger). Lives there and is pretty dialed and a nice guy.
Definitely talk to Jeremy. Great guy and has the best archery shop around. Some bruiser mule deer mounts in his shop. I’ll be buying a new bow from him once the draw results are out and I get all my money back! 🤣
That's one of those problems you figure out once you have the tag, especially with the draw odds in NM. Unless you are a lucky guy with a landowner tag. From my observations mid Nov is pre-rut and peak is about 1st week of Dec like the other guys said.