North fork shoshone, Wy

The closest I have been was the south fork 6-8 years ago. I killed an average 24" 4x4 up on the carter. It was a good trip for our 2nd western diy.
Wolves have that area pretty hunted out. They are laying waste to that area. I heard they are opening it up for wolf this year. To little, to late. Packing in that last week solo is a long call due to the weather. Just my experience, hunted this area in the past and it has declined a lot. Good luck and be safe.
Cool thanks, Yeah I know the wolves pretty much destroyed the elk hunting, But i was not sure about mule deer. im sure not too many fawns make it up there.
Yeah last time i tried a pack trip in Nov. it snowed for three days, When the snow was as deep as the side walls on the tent we left in a horible blizzard, Got to the truck at 2:00 am. It sucked and we were wet and cold, But we had 2 350 bulls so it was worth it.
Tried carter a couple years ago, But I really dont like the amount of private ground on the east end, There was a good amount of deer.
Hunted up the North Fork of the Shoshone 2 years ago, only got about 2 miles up one of the trailheads and my two partners shot 2 smaller 4 points from the trail. I ended up taking a 160's 4 point up the South fork the day before, lots of Grizz tracks everywere we went. I may go back in about 2 1/2 weeks, there was 90 tags left last time I looked...
Anyone ever hunt up Sunlight Basin, was curious how the deer pop is doing in that area, it used to be a troubled bear relocation area from what I was told. May check that area out this year as well...