I have 130 pieces of Norma 280 Reminton brass that has been fireformed to Ackley Imp. 40*. I purchased two large boxes of reloading components from an online estate sale and there was a plastic ZipLoc bag with these in there. There was a note card stating – “1. Fire formed, annealed, full prep. 2. 1X fired w/full length sizing, tumbled.” This would leave me to believe these have been fire formed, fully prepped, then loaded again and shot at some point and have a total of two (2) firings on these cases. That is all the history I have. All look in very good condition. $65.00 gets them delivered to your door in Lower US 48. The first PM or post stated by time stamp gets them. I’m flexible on payment methods, but prefer USPS Money Orders. Currently not looking for any trades. Thank you.