Non resident hunter - tag draw vs guaranteed draw


Jun 15, 2023
Lifelong fisherman bitten by western hunting bug. Seeking some guidance on how to, respectfully, hunt and draw tags as a non resident.

Is it best to apply for tags in a bunch of areas in hopes of drawing something and then make plans with an outfitter? Or, find an outfitter first and apply, with or without the outfitter’s assistance for tags in their area?

Regretfully, as a non resident I can’t scout on my own and I will know next to nothing about areas out west. This is part of the learning curve and something I want to do but time and distance will limit me. From years of fishing, I’ve seen plenty come to my local waters and try it on their own “like we do back home.” Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn’t. So I’m not “that guy” I’ll hire someone who knows not only the land but the local do’s and don’ts. Some states I know a local outfitter is required. I have plenty of hunting experience in blinds but very little spot and stalk - I want a hunt not a guaranty and zero interest in any high fence. I’d imagine outfitters are like many fishing guides in my area, some passionate and near artists in the pursuit and others just take tourists’ money. How to best sort the good from the guy who’s collecting some $$?

Any advice appreciated. Some may say “just stay home and hunt your state”. I get it and have been guilty of saying the same thing when I see some people on the water. I want to do this the right way. I’m not the chest thumping dick who needs a trophy. I want to set a goal and work at it. I’d be happy glassing for days and just getting a chance to be in the right area at the right time.

If the General Forum isn’t the right spot for this I’ll repost elsewhere.
Where are you wanting to hunt? Elk? Mulies? Whitetail?

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I've never really understood the stay in your onw state comments, NR have tags set aside and will be hunting whether we like it or not. No need to get nasty about it. Just give folks some space if you see them hunting an area.

Not too hard to getting some knowledge from online and books then give it a go DIY. Yep, an outfitter can really help with the learning curve but many folks really could get it done OTO after they learn some game characteristics.

Some states outfitters can absolutely help with drawing tags, some states have LO tags as well.
Might want to start with buying PPs where you can.
Your post begs a lot of questions - what do you want to hunt? Bears? Elk? Muleys? Antelope? Auodads? Etc.

Sure you can hire a guide not to piss anyone off, or you can just go hunt and let the butt-hurt be butt-hurt. One more guy is not gonna change the game.

You need to decide what you want to hunt, what state, and then do your research on the regional areas, work it down into the units. Then research the units - there is a ton of information available such as how many guys applied and how many tags were/are available, etc. It really is amazing how much information is available.

Just don't ask unit specific questions on here cause the unit police will come after you and a bunch of guys will bitch and tell you to "earn your way" and whatever else they can come up with.

You'll need to buy points or buy landowner vouchers to have a chance at a guaranteed draw. Might be a 5 year wait to do that. An outfitter will help.
Yeah I should have been clear on two fronts:

Targets: elk, mule deer, bighorn, antelope. Would start targeting ungulates vs predators.

Tags: some of the outfitters I’ve seen have either a guaranteed draw or they wish to assist in the process. My fear here is I don’t want any guaranty or high fence operation. I want a hunt.

I do plan on applying in Idaho, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana and or Wyoming. I’m just starting the research of areas and the different units. I think Huntin’ Fool or similar service will be helpful in determining which to apply for and where. Either way and no matter where, starting out I’ll hire an outfitter - just wonder if it’s best to find one first to help determine where to focus and use their knowledge of units etc.
State fish & game websites will have all the information you need to know about drawing or buying a tag in the state you choose to hunt. Like most things, hunt success usually depends on the time and effort someone is willing to put into it.
You will never draw a sheep tag. Those are the odds. Make lots of money and go hunt British Columbia or Alberta.
This is a great time to start planning for next year. I know zero about outfitted hunts though. Just do the research, and possibly get some leads from here.
Always some guys making threads about great and not so great outfitters.

You will have zero points for drawing anywhere next year. You can start accumulating them then, but if you really want to hunt you’ll need to find a OTC unit. I guess there are hunts with a landowner tag? IDK. Could be that’s what they call guaranteed.
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You need know-- every state is different in how they allocate the non-resident tags. Don't assume your buddies uncle brother knows, read the regulations, call the fish and game office and ask them questions.

Some tags take awhile to even have an opportunity to draw some you'll never realistically have even a 1% chance at. That's why you have to understand each states system.

Get a tag and go. If it's a early tag start high as seasons progress so does the evaluation you'll have your target species at. So just keep searching lower and lower.

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Yeah I should have been clear on two fronts:

Targets: elk, mule deer, bighorn, antelope. Would start targeting ungulates vs predators.

Tags: some of the outfitters I’ve seen have either a guaranteed draw or they wish to assist in the process. My fear here is I don’t want any guaranty or high fence operation. I want a hunt.

I do plan on applying in Idaho, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana and or Wyoming. I’m just starting the research of areas and the different units. I think Huntin’ Fool or similar service will be helpful in determining which to apply for and where. Either way and no matter where, starting out I’ll hire an outfitter - just wonder if it’s best to find one first to help determine where to focus and use their knowledge of units etc.
Huntin fool and go hunt are good resources. Bighorn is a long odds game and you'll likely never draw it. But, there are a few unlimited units in Montana. Those hunts seem interesting but I'm not sure any guides do those and they're extremely difficult. Low success rates. Like extremely low, but hey, if you want a sheep at least you're sheep hunting. Otherwise if you want to go outfitted the world is your oyster. Start buying points in the states you're interested in and post questions on forums like this one for feedback on specific outfitters.

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I fish in Florida where I live and have hunted here for years. I just don’t want to be that guy in the woods - like so many here on the water - where my ignorance screws up the activities of others. I wish I had the time to scout and determine the exact areas I want to hunt but time and distance will limit me. I’m leaning more about the rules in different states and I’ve begun building points. I had no idea drawing tags was so difficult - or even required an outfitter in some states. All part of the learning process. Appreciate the responses.