Congratulations! I never expected to draw my first choice antelope tag. I am so stoked. I have driven this are on two trips and thought it was just a dream.
I got a antelope tag in one of the NE corner units! I'm also planning to elk hunt near Pagosa Springs, CO in Sept so I may just swing by to do a little scouting!
I'm on the verge of paying high dollar to acquire a New Mexico U12 elk tag first rifle season in Oct. but I have heard a mix review of the health of the herd in that area / unit. I'm not asking for any spot-on info just general elk herd health / numbers that is from the past couple years. Is it worth paying high dollar to hunt private ground in that area. I will be on private ground 5000 acres that only has 1 elk tag available for the first rifle season in early Oct so I will have it to myself with no one else on the property for any reason which sounds great, it will be my first elk trip to New Mexico. I shoot a 7mm Rem. Mag that is very accurate out to 600 on an elk size kill zone. There may be 1 archery hunter on that private ground before me, and I'm good with that. I have heard on this piece of private that they have shot a couple of monsters over the years and the area usually has a healthy herd of 310 to 340 class bulls with a chance at some bigger bulls over the last 8-9 years. Any help to make my decision to pull the trigger on this tag would be very appreciated.Drew nm unit 12 rifle