I'm tellin' you man... get you an Umarex Octane brother. They are around $200. This thing wops stuff hard, and the supressor keeps it surprisingly quiet. And once you learn it's trigger, it's money. It's a Break-Barrel Gas-Spring, so you can leave it cocked and ready a long time and it won't hurt it. You can't do that with Springers. I've left it overnight, and taken critters the next day.
An example of the kind of intentional hits you can make with it at 20yds.
NOTE: When going for Quail or Crow you need to avoid the shot going at their wing feathers. Shoot at where the neck/shoulders come together. If you try to just shoot the body, their wing feathers are often tough enough the hit won't be fatal, at least not right away that I can tell. Dove it seems to not be a problem. But if it is a hit thru the wing feathers... they may still fly away a bit before they expire (into the neighbors yard, oops). Mostly just make sure to avoid the stout wing feathers and you're good.
When you tag a Rabbit stretching it to 40yds+ you may have to give him a second one when you walk up to him, just to be nice and make sure he expires quickly. Like maybe 30% of the time.
When placed at the right spot, in the neighborhood of 20yds, Crows will go right down. Some species of Quail can take a surprising helluva beating if your shot placement ends up hitting the wings or body/belly area. You would be STUNNED at the hits I've put on some where they didn't die and seemed to not even really be injured! But seems to be a function of their tough wing feathers. You place it where the shoulder meets neck, and they'll go down nicely.