NF moose success

Oct 12, 2014
Just wanted to share a little success with you guys. Had to wait 4 years to make it up to NF to get after a moose. Moose valley outfitters is who I went with and they was excellent. Food was great, guides was good folks, and Jeremy and Johnny are great fellas too. Good lord gave me a 2nd chance on Thursday after I couldn't get a shot on Monday due to just not being comfortable taking a marginal shot. Felt the Animal just deserved better. Luckily the decision paid off bigger. Here is 2 short videos I pieced together for the memory.

I do want to give shoutout to stone glacier....i did extensive research because none of the high end stuff is around us here really in Virginia. I went with the stone glacier M7 jacket and pant. Its tough, it does not hold water, dries out well, and just flat out handles the elements i put it through. I wore it literally every single day all day. I love the big pit and thigh zips! We covered 33 miles in and out of absolute messes of brush and scrub and it never once tore, picked, or anything. 2 other guys had kuiu attacks, chugach and first lite sawbucks.... Both held water and ripped on day 1!!!

Hope yall enjoy


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Very cool. Congrats. What were your hunt dates. I'm heading there next Oct 4-11th with DADG outfitters

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Congratulations! I'm booked for the first week of October next year with Moose Valley Outfitters. Interested to know what boots you wore and whether you would use the same boots on another hunt with MVO? Did you see any caribou?
Congratulations! I'm booked for the first week of October next year with Moose Valley Outfitters. Interested to know what boots you wore and whether you would use the same boots on another hunt with MVO? Did you see any caribou?
I wore 400gram lacrosse alpha burley. And I would wear them again yes they was plenty warm and comfortable. Make sure your pants can go over whatever rubber boots you take. Far as caribou I did not see any but other guys did.

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