Next time you think you are getting too old for this…

Just lost dad 86. He hunted and fished until the past year even after having multi heart attacks and 4 cancer surgeries over the years and kept after it . I saw this pic you posted and man it hit home
As a "kid" helping 2 sets of octogenarians (80-87 years old), it is amazing the mental differences folks have.

One person feels shame to wear a depends diaper, another feels it gives a lease on life and gladly grabs a couple on the way out the door.

One hates the walker and therefore can't do much without the threat of falling down. Another is excited to be able to get up to go do something.

There is a big difference between doing stuff cause you have to vs that you want to.

That's a great picture! Kudos to him. Excellent attitude.
My dad who turn 93 in May had his right leg amputated just above the knee this winter. He is still looking forward to deer hunting this fall with a crossbow. He doesn't go far to his ground blinds anymore and has lots of help if he gets a deer. One thing he said is if your doing it because of the hero/look what I can do aspect your doing it for the wrong reason you should be doing it because you love it.
That’s awesome. I took my 65 year old man on a goat hunt 2 years ago. I hope I’m tough enough to do that in 25 years. Also hope to raise my boy to be that tough as well, that is the real goal.

Props to him for getting it done, inspiration to us all!
I am going to take a screen shot of that pic and pull it out when I am thinking about whining.
I just wanted to bump this up. Last night I was going through all the pics on my phone and came across the screen shot I took of the OP. I was feeling a little down not finding anything on my current hunt. It was the little extra motivation I needed to get up extra early and beat the crowds in a new spot I decided to try out. I ended up getting my first bear today thanks to this post. I was too jacked up to remember to take pics until after I hiked the meat back to the quad, ran it back to camp and came back for the skull.
Great post OP.
I was waiting to see the lottery results at GreyLodge Refuge two weekends ago at 5am and there was an old guy in his 70s in his waders and full camo holding his oxygen tank and waiting to go out and duck hunt.

That really inspired me. If that guy can still do it. It gives me hope that I can get another 20-30 years in the field if I don't fall over dead in the mean time. That was one bad ass Mofo and I hope I have half his spunk in 20 years.