No it doesn’t I simply stating what I’m hoping it doesn’t turn into, and if it’s not then I’m ready for a listen. Pretty simple if you can comprehend wordsYour initial assumption is way off. It already sounds like you don't want to "give it a go with an open mind". I'm about half way through and I miss these type of thought-provoking MeatEater podcasts.
CoolI listened. The dialog in the beginning talks about how this guest was supposed to be on much earlier but Covid bumped her down a few months until all of the racial stuff stirred up.
I admire and agree with the mission of the guest.
It seemed to me to come down to "this is the perception minorities have while accessing nature and there isn't much you can do to change it." Maybe I need to listen again to get something else out of it.
I think it was a good conversation but didn't really focus on hunting, which I thought it might.
Definitely thought provoking but a lot of it seemed very “damned if you do damned if you don’t” type of scenarios. Be accepting but not too accepting. Help get minorities into the outdoors but don’t be too helpful because that’s looking down on a minority group. Ignore them in the woods but don’t ignore them either because even though statistically speaking very few minorities take part in the outdoors it shouldn’t be weird to see them there.
my head hurts... awww crap is that a sign of covid?
Seems the best way to avoid these conundrums would be to approach introducing others to the outdoors the same regardless of skin color.
Seems the best way to avoid these conundrums would be to approach introducing others to the outdoors the same regardless of skin color.