Newbie response. I 've followed this forum for about two years, but actually just joined today. I'm a firm believer in doing your own research and not asking for a handout (reason for just lurking instead of posting). I started reading this forum because my son and I got invited to go with a group to Colorado this year for an elk/mule deer hunt. We didn't draw elk tags, but did draw some mule deer doe tags that allowed us to harvest some meat and start to learn the ropes of mountain hunting. We had a blast! I understand y'all's point of view with people asking very specific questions. However, as an alternate viewpoint, as a newbie to mountain hunting, I think that some of the posts asking specific questions are just from people that don't know any better. As members of a declining hunting population, I think we should try to be as accomodating as possible to encourage new hunters. That said, I would never ask for specific spots, units, etc. but agree with an earlier post that there is and always will be that group looking for a free ride!