Newbie Fall bear hunt MT


Jun 22, 2019
Headed back out to Northwest montana for a fall bear hunt. Planning on hunting the same area near Thompson falls i hunted at this spring. Planning on rifle hunting. This will be my first SOLO Hunt! Little nervous as this is only my second trip to the mountains.

-Is it worth bow hunting for a few days prior?
-Does the extra hunting pressure lessen odds of harvesting a bear?
-Is the fall bear hunt usually tougher than the spring?
-any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Hunted that area many times, spring and fall. It has been easier for me to locate bears in the spring. As you know, the area is very thick so bow hunting is not a bad option. Never noticed much hunting pressure with the exception of the road hunters. I have glassed bears drop off the side of the road while someone drove by and then pop back on the road a few minutes after they passed.
End of September is beautiful around there. Have fun.
Congrats on going on your first solo hunt! You're going to have a blast and learn why a lot of people on this site hunt alone 90% of the time.

IMHO, unless you're hunting before 9/15 (start of bow season) why take the bow when your chances for success are higher with a rifle? I get that it's awesome to take something with a bow and the hero pics are cooler (I'm totally guilty of this) but your chances are way better with a rifle. Yes, it's thick cover but also likely you'll see something at a distance and be very glad you have a rifle with you. My two cents on that. Plus just less crap to have to think about.

The pressure can have an impact, but bears seem to be everywhere, not that I can find them when it's in season! You're hunting during archery season for deer and elk, so it's not too bad vs rifle season.

Hope you share pics, experiences and what you learned no matter if you tag a bear or not.
Yes, curious how your hunt went? A buddy & I hunted fall bears in the Bob Marshall back in Sept. Ended up being a tough hunt, as we only saw one bear all week, but my buddy was able to get it. Curious how many bear sightings you had in your area?
The four of us that went were all skunked. We hunted 8 days hard 6-12 miles a day. Saw 2 bears that we couldnt get to or relocate in the dense terrain.