Newb to Bow Hunting


Oct 19, 2024
I'm pretty new to bow hunting and haven't picked my bow up in probably 6-7 years. I recently have had some opportunities to break it back out and start practicing again. I will obviously need to get it set up again and get it restrung, but it's been so long since I looked into arrows or broadheads I have no idea what is good anymore.

I would prefer to stick to budget friendly options if anyone has any suggestions as far as arrow shafts and broadheads are concerned. My old ones were carbon express I believe but I also remember those being fairly expensive, but that was a while ago.

It depends on what you will be doing with them. Hunting, target, 3D. To get started look at amazon arrows. I am convinced the cheap off brand arrows come out of the same factories in China as the stupid expensive arrows. Iots of people feel better when using expensive items over cheaper generic brands but I rarely see a difference in performance. If price is a concern there are a lot of good options. From what I see time, practice and commitment always outperform expensive gear. Good luck!
Also, Basspro/Cabelas Blackout brand X series arrows are made by Gold Tip and are identical to the Hunter Series.
It depends on what you will be doing with them. Hunting, target, 3D. To get started look at amazon arrows. I am convinced the cheap off brand arrows come out of the same factories in China as the stupid expensive arrows. Iots of people feel better when using expensive items over cheaper generic brands but I rarely see a difference in performance. If price is a concern there are a lot of good options. From what I see time, practice and commitment always outperform expensive gear. Good luck!
Mainly just whitetail hunting, I'm more of a gun hunter out of preference but I did enjoy just practicing with my bow. It seems I've gotten more opportunities the last year or so with a bow, so might as well get back in to it. More hunting is more better
It depends on what you will be doing with them. Hunting, target, 3D. To get started look at amazon arrows. I am convinced the cheap off brand arrows come out of the same factories in China as the stupid expensive arrows. Iots of people feel better when using expensive items over cheaper generic brands but I rarely see a difference in performance. If price is a concern there are a lot of good options. From what I see time, practice and commitment always outperform expensive gear. Good luck!

I don't doubt many of the knock off arrows are coming out of the same factory, likely the culls.

See a carbon arrow splinter apart at the shot, makes you think about the quality of what you are getting.

Lots of middle of the road options, but I'd advise against getting the cheap stuff off ebay or any of the other cheap sites.

Put broadheads on the front and you can start to tell a big difference in straightness.

I'd suggest getting a .003 minimum for hunting, but many manufacturers of offer the same arrows that aren't quite as straight for less, so could get 1/2 dozen of each, 6 to mostly hunt with 6 to practice with if really trying to pinch pennies.

I'd get a .244-.246 I'd shaft, most all brands making decent arrows, find something in the weight range you want with a stiff enough spine.
Look up some pictures of under-spined arrow accidents and you'll definitely think twice about the quality of the shafts you're shooting
Keep it simple. A standard diameter (6.5mm/.245" ID) shaft of moderate gpi cut about an inch shorter than your draw length and weighted up to around 6-7 gpp (grains of total arrow weight per pound of draw weight) will give you a strong arrow with a good balance of weight and speed at a reasonable price. Black Eagle Outlaw, Easton 6.5mm, Gold Tip Hunter (or its Bass Pro-branded Blackout clone), and Victory VForce (or the Scheels Vendetta clone) would all fit that bill.
Check out deer crossing archery hunter series arrows cheap and work well they offer a few different ones I use them for 3d cause they are cheap. But some guys online hunt with them. On eBay you can get a dozen victory branded arrows with I think green acres stickers on them for like 59-79 bucks I’ve shot those for 3d as well zero issues. Many good options out there with branded stuff over the off brand stuff. As said above keep it simple it’s not rocket science don’t treat it as such good luck..

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Check out deer crossing archery hunter series arrows cheap and work well they offer a few different ones I use them for 3d cause they are cheap. But some guys online hunt with them. On eBay you can get a dozen victory branded arrows with I think green acres stickers on them for like 59-79 bucks I’ve shot those for 3d as well zero issues. Many good options out there with branded stuff over the off brand stuff. As said above keep it simple it’s not rocket science don’t treat it as such good luck..

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Plus one on the Greenacres branded Victory arrows. Steal of a deal. Best part is they are about 40 mins from my house and honor the online price in person.
Keep it simple. A standard diameter (6.5mm/.245" ID) shaft of moderate gpi cut about an inch shorter than your draw length and weighted up to around 6-7 gpp (grains of total arrow weight per pound of draw weight) will give you a strong arrow with a good balance of weight and speed at a reasonable price. Black Eagle Outlaw, Easton 6.5mm, Gold Tip Hunter (or its Bass Pro-branded Blackout clone), and Victory VForce (or the Scheels Vendetta clone) would all fit that bill.
Is there a clone of the GT Hunter Pro?