New Zealand Public Land DIY Trip recap

We drew a ballot in 2012 for tahr. I knocked up the wife and didn't get to go. But my group went and they got helicoptered in and then had another 3-4 helicopters harassing wildlife the entire time they were there. Which is illegal. They had tahr shot from out from under them by people in helicopters.

They shot 3 tahr. I do not remember what unit it was for.

The people who manage it in the government (I don't remember what it is called) tried to put the screws to us and say that they tried to contact us and so they could give our slot away to an outfitter. The person that was managing it on our team, had it all figured out and knew who to complain to and we got our slot.

I think it is a good deal if you know people that have gone before and how to make it work. I don't have any information to share.

A guy might snoop on Australia and NZ hunting forums and try to figure it out. It isn't rocket science, but it takes some work.
Congratulation on your hunt.!I already strat looking in to it,would be a awesome trip for me and my son.
Great trip, going over there in april for a month to bowhunt, if you have any advice on areas shoot me a pm
Damn, this looks awesome. I proposed to my wife in NZ on a hike where we were inadvertently chasing stags up the whole way. I didn't even know what they were at the time but they are special creatures. This post makes me want to head back ASAP
This is a bit of a delayed trip recap and PSA, as we have been back for well over a year now and I'm just getting to posting this. I thought this would be an opportune time to post given the current Tahr situation in New Zealand. I spoke to Robby Denning and he agreed that I should post this to try and gather some support from the Rokslide community.
Hey man such a sick hunt! I am going to NZ in a month to hunt! Very curious at how plausible it is to bypass using an "expeditor" to get my trophies back to the US. Can you walk me through what customs was like getting back to the US? What airport did you fly into and did you have a connecting flight after that? Do you remember what forms were needed for the USFW?
Unreal. Thank you for sharing. This is motivating me to, 1. write up my hunt last fall, and 2. dream about hunting in NZ one day.
Hey man such a sick hunt! I am going to NZ in a month to hunt! Very curious at how plausible it is to bypass using an "expeditor" to get my trophies back to the US. Can you walk me through what customs was like getting back to the US? What airport did you fly into and did you have a connecting flight after that? Do you remember what forms were needed for the USFW?
How was your hunt? Did you bring trophies back? How about meat?