New world record archery bull

I believe he’s a farmer. I’m sure he does other things as well. If you want to hunt those types of hunts constantly, you need to be the best at what you do, or choose a different career that pays better, or be better at budgeting with what you currently make. Not sure you’re situation, but there is always a way to make more.
I bet he gets a little cash from Hoyt, archery world, and who knows where else. Jason Matzinger gets all of his access paid for by his sponsors. As do many others. Companies are willing to pay to see animals hit the dirt and have the hashtag : #teamhoyt in the gram post
UPS is a publicly traded company. He could own lots a shares or be the CEO ect.....but HE does not own UPS. It's 123.79/share at the moment.

Ever since the pilgrims landed, they were supposed to be "the civil society" and school the savages.....I guess not. Native Americans warring over land and food isn't the same as this so-called new civil society shooting and poisoning the Natives to steal their land and heritage...rounding them up like cattle on reservations with a bare bones existence. No, these people are the way they are today because of what was done to them and is still being done to them. Sorry, you can't change the facts.

No, Soros is in the same camp as Gates, Bezos and Musk in my book...sorry, I ain't no democrat sonny. My grandmother was a full blood Cherokee so nonsense about Native Americans pisses me off.
UPS is a publicly traded company. He could own lots a shares or be the CEO ect.....but HE does not own UPS. It's 123.79/share at the moment.

Ever since the pilgrims landed, they were supposed to be "the civil society" and school the savages.....I guess not. Native Americans warring over land and food isn't the same as this so-called new civil society shooting and poisoning the Natives to steal their land and heritage...rounding them up like cattle on reservations with a bare bones existence. No, these people are the way they are today because of what was done to them and is still being done to them. Sorry, you can't change the facts.

No, Soros is in the same camp as Gates, Bezos and Musk in my book...sorry, I ain't no democrat sonny. My grandmother was a full blood Cherokee so nonsense about Native Americans pisses me off.
They could have very easily just been wiped out. Kind of like what they did to each other before the settlers. This holier than thou act is pathetic. With the way they "hunt" they haven't a stone to cast in the conversation. No one here has the right to cast aspersions without first hand knowledge of the situation.
Look, killing animals to promote bow, arrow, gun and ammo etc sponsors and the TV shows is big business...really big business. Let's not confuse the business side with the sportsman's side. All of these guys get free rides and big $bucks$ galore. Just look at how they progress financially from one year to the next. Nicer trucks, larger and fancier bus motorhomes to travel around in, larger more extravagant homes, purchasing more and more land...yeah, it's about like congress anymore. Nancy Pelosi anyone?
Why so judgmental on the tribal people? If not for your ancestors killing them and stealing THEIR land you wouldn't have shit to hunt on. There should be a Native American trespass fund you complainers pay into. Imagine, a Native American trespassing!

Amazing what big money buys a person, including boot lickers. Don't want to see any bitching about Gates and Bezos and especially none about Musk. Trump is sure licking his.

Fly.....Yeah, I'm pretty sure you ain't shooting Stones and Dalls around the house over bait. Yeah, most hunters can afford to hunt sheep if they really wanted to.....their wives are driving the kids to soccer in a 90K Suburban without a problem.
You never been around a Native have ya?
You think what are commonly considered native Americans were the first people in North America?

Did “Native Americans” war with other tribes and take their lands?

Has this been how societies have functioned since the beginning of time?
How is one supposed to play the victim card if they actually faced the facts?😂
I believe bill gates is also a farmer…. Not hating but this brooks guys grandfather founded ups. Jim Casey, look it up
I’m looking into this out of curiosity, but all I’m finding is that Jim Casey was a bachelor. He never was married or had kids from what I’m seeing. Where did you find that he’s a grandkid?

Does the Casey family still own UPS?

In 1948, he (James E. Casey) and his siblings used their UPS stock to set up the Annie E. Casey Foundation to honor their mother. Those assets still include over $300 million worth of UPS stock. In 1966, this foundation created a separate entity, the Casey Family Programs, to also help children.

but all I’m finding is that Jim Casey was a bachelor.
That's what I see too.
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My friends and relatives that farm must truly be doing something wrong as most of them seem to be scraping by

Or as others have said a family member started UPS and he probably just farms for a hobby or some type of write off
Like most businesses, there are people that are good at it, and people that aren’t so good at it. I grew up in a large farming community. There were guys that do well enough to have new trucks, dirt bikes, side by sides, campers, snow mobiles and every other toy you can think of new every year. On top of that they have one, if not multiple, multi million dollar second home. Then there the other farmers that can barely afford a new truck every 20+ years.

Look into the UPS thing. From what I’m finding the founder never married or had kids. I’m not saying Casey wasn’t born into money, I don’t know enough to claim one way or another. What I do know is that there are guys out there buying lots of high class tags, and they worked their ass off to get to that point (the goal I’d love to achieve someday). And then there are guys that hate on those types of people but won’t put in the extra effort to get to that point (99% of haters on the internet). I’m not necessarily sticking up for Casey himself, but for the hunters like him that worked hard to get to where they’re at or what they’ve accomplished.
Interesting. Regardless of it being shot over bait, possibly on a paid for access parcel, and whether or not he paid a single $6 for the raffle or a shit ton....

I bet the guy has some incredible elk hunting knowledge, being able to kill 86 in a lifetime and 14 over 400". Just having the opportunity to do that must have given him some good education.

I'd have shot that bull even if it was drunk on fermenting apples in my backyard in suburbia.... But I wouldn't be submitting it for world record.
if someone has shot 10+ 400” bulls you are not playing by normal diy public land rules. You are paying to play, better access and animals than most.

No hate, just the way it is. If it was a legal bull on legal tag good for him. He’ll get the record, but should at least get the conversation about the asterisk the same way Barry Bonds did. 😂

As an aside, no one just gets into farming and makes it anymore. You have old money, old land or enough new money. it’s how it is.
if someone has shot 10+ 400” bulls you are not playing by normal diy public land rules. You are paying to play, better access and animals than most.

No hate, just the way it is. If it was a legal bull on legal tag good for him. He’ll get the record, but should at least get the conversation about the asterisk the same way Barry Bonds did. 😂

As an aside, no one just gets into farming and makes it anymore. You have old money, old land or enough new money. it’s how it is.
I thought about getting into farming or ranching.... And then saw multiple quotes that go something like "how do you make $3million ranching? Start with $5 million"