New Tupperware


Aug 21, 2013
I went to a tupperware party and had to bring this home with me today. :D

Gen4 G20, 6" KKM barrel, Raven Vanguard holster, and Meprolite Adjustable night sights being installed this weekend. I also have a Lonewolf .40 S&W barrel coming. Can't wait to try it out with some BB 220gr HC. Hopefully Glock got their act together and I don't experience any feed issues. This is my first G20 and second 10mm pistol. The first was an EAA Witness compact that was the biggest P.O.S. I've ever shot. I really hope I have better luck with the Glock.

Nice gun. I'm picking up a G20 for my woods gun in the next few weeks. I have a KKM barrel on my competition gun but any particular reason you got a KKM on this gun?
i've got a g20sf with a trijicon rmr. i've never had a single problem with it, and all i've ever shot are reloads. runs like a top. good luck
Nice gun. I'm picking up a G20 for my woods gun in the next few weeks. I have a KKM barrel on my competition gun but any particular reason you got a KKM on this gun?

I went with the KKM as the price was right, I read a lot of good reviews about them, and it did not require fitting. The Storm Lake barrels were not getting good reviews on Midway and Lonewolf had mixed reviews. Plus, since KKM is made in house in the US, I decided to give them a try.
KKMs are nice barrels. I'm still running the stock barrel on my 20 and 29, but I don't shoot HC from them.

Nice gun! I bought my G20SF on a whim, and man, it's about my favorite gun I own.
My Gen4 G20 runs great with stock rsa and KKM barrel and Underwoods. I noticed case bulging with the stock barrel and Underwood's so I'd run the KKM barrel with anything more than the standard factory loadings.
My brother is a PA state trooper and he told me they just switched to the glock a few months ago and have had problems. They have had the rep in several times and he said they will probably switch after the first year.
My brother is a PA state trooper and he told me they just switched to the glock a few months ago and have had problems. They have had the rep in several times and he said they will probably switch after the first year.

And? Yes the Gen 4's have had some bugs (and G22's with lights mounted a few years back). When it comes to service pistols, Glock is king for a reason.

To the OP, sweet 10mm. I've been jones'in for a G20 for some reason...
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My brother is a PA state trooper and he told me they just switched to the glock a few months ago and have had problems. They have had the rep in several times and he said they will probably switch after the first year.

I have a Gen 4 G17 that has the 1'st gen recoil spring and have had zero issues with it. From what I understand, the problems arose from people shooting lightweight loads which is ironic since the whole reason Glock came out with this spring system was to dampen the recoil of the +P loads that most people are shooting for self defense. Glock has since come out with a different recoil spring for this reason.

Thanks guy's. Gen 4's are the only Glock that comes close to feeling comfortable in my hand and since there isn't an M&P or XD available in 10mm, Glock is my only choice for a lightweight high cap 10mm.
Shot it yesterday and overall I'm happy with it. The KKM barrel ate everything I fed it. I had two issues though. One, on occasion, the slide would lock back with one left in the mag. From what I've read, this has been an ongoing issue. Two, when I installed the medium extended beavertail grip on the frame, it turned into a one shot wonder. Which I found interesting but luckily I shoot it with no grips at all. I did not shoot the factory barrel at all.
Overall, I'm impressed with the accuracy and soft shooting even with BB 220gr HC, but am disappointed with Glock and their "perfection" as every Glock I've owned or shot, including rental G20's have been flawless.