I'm picking up a 7mm PRC in February. Going to put a Burris 5-25 on it I believe. My question is when getting into handloading does anyone have recommendations for bullet (brand/type/weight).
Most my whitetail shots are in the 100 yard range, but some opportunities have opened up to properties where 500-800 yards is a legitimate possibility. This gun is being purchased with the intent to eventually be used on a spring bear hunt in Montana where I'm told the average shot is 400 yards. As well as a possible elk/mule deer trip.
Thanks for any help
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Most my whitetail shots are in the 100 yard range, but some opportunities have opened up to properties where 500-800 yards is a legitimate possibility. This gun is being purchased with the intent to eventually be used on a spring bear hunt in Montana where I'm told the average shot is 400 yards. As well as a possible elk/mule deer trip.
Thanks for any help
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