New to Forum with Axis Deer Hunting Question

Jan 24, 2025
Hello, new here from N IL. I have often used the site to look up various information, but wanted to ask a question this time. I see this question has been asked before, but not much information provided. I'm a long time whitetail and turkey hunter, but now that I'm nearing retirement I want to start checking off a few boxes on my bucket list of hunts. The first of these is one that allows me to hunt in the summer, which is an Axis Deer hunt in Texas. I would like to find an outfitter/guide where I can hunt free range Axis Deer. If you have any experience with this, or know of a quality outfitter that could provide this hunt for me please respond. Thank you.
Haven’t hunted them but have a couple buddy’s that have. And they did it over in Hawaii. That’s where I’d be looking. Exotic animal in an exotic environment.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new IL member.


P.S. You mentioned "new here" in your post and you joined today so I'm treating it as your intro post. :unsure::D
I recommend spot and stalk outfitters out of NM. Aaron is a good dude and he spends a ton of time guiding on huge low fence operations in west Texas and kills some great axis.
I've hunted them on a large high fence for a decade, best venison for sure. Never hunted in the summer always December. This year we drove alot of open country being farmed, Axis in every field it seemed like. Our Outfitter was telling us they are expanding . Prices are going up also.
West Texas Hunt Organization has some of the best free-range Axis hunting to be had.

Give Mike a call and tell him what you want to do and he can accommodate.
