New study estimates 3 times as many golden eagles in Alaska than previously believed


Feb 10, 2013

Interesting findings and in light of Sheep populatons discussed in the other thread. But also no mention of Dall Sheep in the article...

"Chocolate-brown golden eagles are about the same size as bald eagles. Instead of congregating around rivers like bald eagles, goldens prefer open country of mountain slopes and tundra landscapes.

There, the birds use curved talons the length of human fingers to puncture their prey, which includes ground squirrels, ptarmigan, snowshoe hares and sometimes even caribou and musk ox calves.
I took note of the same article because the number of Golden Eagles that we saw here in Delta this fall was extraordinary. Everyone was commenting on how many were on the power poles in just two miles of Sawmill Creek Road. Vole populations are extremely high this year and all the predators are watching the stubble fields.
Is there a way to determine how these numbers compare to pre DDT times. I feel that there are more eagles, hawks, corvids, on the landscape than ever but no way to really know.
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A couple summers ago the Wifey and I were hiking around down at Denali looking at Sheep, etc. The wifey was wearing her white hiking shirt and guess who came down to about 30-50ft overhead? Wasn't the "bald guy" :)

I wonder if F&G is considering this study in regards to lower Sheep populations. Nothing they can do about though, that is, in regard to Eagles taking Sheep.