New safe

Do you have a rhino? I’m looking at those and seem to be pretty comparable to liberty in my price range. For the price I can get a little bit more capacity 44 RBX.
Yes I have a 72” one. The rustic looking one with the pull out gun rack.

I bought a 60” and had to send it back and pay a huge restock when I tried to put my K80 in it. Get the tall one.
Yes I have a 72” one. The rustic looking one with the pull out gun rack.

I bought a 60” and had to send it back and pay a huge restock when I tried to put my K80 in it. Get the tall one.
I’m guessing yours is a little more robust than the ones I’m looking at. Is the overall quality good? They seem to be on par with liberty as far as metals used and built in USA. One thing rhino mentions and liberty doesn’t is that rhino uses global parts. I’m sure liberty uses the same parts and not everything used is state side.

Liberty 36 capacity is roughly 1500
Rhinos 42 is the same price.

Rhino Basic RBX6028 Gun

Nothing that looks weird for the rhinos is the top shelf with the back cut out to accommodate longer guns is leaves only a small trip up top that can be used. Kind of awkward
I would absolutely steer away from any of the electronic or biometric locks. But if you do find a good deal on one, you can get a locksmith to swap the electronic keypad with a regular S&G dial lock. Might be worth thinking about, especially if it's a used safe.