New primers


Aug 17, 2018
With 215s being hard to find, I found a smoking deal on 9 1/2m's. The problem is to get the deal I need to buy all of them.

Besides having to redo load development is there any other reason not to go with them?
I bought 1k a few months back, have used them for my 6.5 prc. No issues. Heard the stories that they were harder than cci and federal, but I haven't seen it. They go bang when the firing pin hit's them. Used about 300 hundred of them so far.
No reason to not use them. I've had good luck with Rem Primers. They produced the best numbers in my 7mmRemMag when I was shooting it more. Just redo your load development like you mention and you should be good to go
I've had good luck with Win primers both LRP and SRP, but there is one small aggrevation. That is that they are not "nickel" plated.

They work just fine, but since they aren't plated they are slightly smaller in size and fit a bit looser in the primer pocket. That is fine on newer brass, but as the brass ages and the pockets loosen up you may run into having to prematurely abandon otherwise good brass.

Not a huge deal, but something to consider.
Thanks guys,

Will be with new ADG and peterson brass,

I have 2k 215s left for old brass
I wouldn’t redo load development. When I switch primers I just check and make sure the velocity is the same, and move on