Looking back, now that I have a T2, I would have skipped all of my prior hunting/camo packs and my Dana Designs backpack (good pack but too short for people over 5'10 wanting to carry a heavy load) and would have just stuck with a Kelty or Osprey until I could afford a Kifaru. The Kelty's and Osprey it seems can be found for really good deals at times (used, last year's models, REI dent and ding sale, etc.). A Kifaru T2 or UL 5200 for instance at $550-$600 is $300 more at most than these other hunting/camo packs, which are packs that will very likely get replaced, while functional Kelty, etc packs can be obtained for less than $150. Golite even has some nice packs (less than $100 new) that compress to nothing and weigh nothing if you're mostly looking for daypack functionality. These could certaily carry out a 1/2 a deer I would think but are not designed for really heavy loads. My wife has a medium Golite pack and has carried 45 lbs anyway with good comfort.