Found this today on Silencer Shop.
It does not exist anywhere else on the internet. Not on B&T's website. No where. I reached out to B&T but it was after hours EST. No idea on baffles, suppression, design, etc.. But it does check a lot of boxes and is a good volume, length, and weight with HUB compatibility. I will let you all know what I find out. Also almost no information on rokslide regarding B&T. Assuming this is because they typically specialize in semi-autos but if there is another reason I would be interested to know. I was debating between a scythe, AB raptor 8, or a budget option Jolene S when I came across this can with a free stamp.

Print-X Ranger Hunting Suppressor
Discover the B&T Print-X Ranger Hunting Suppressor—a lightweight, titanium-built suppressor with an innovative baffle design that delivers excellent sound reduction, minimal blowback, and enhanced recoil control for precise shooting.

It does not exist anywhere else on the internet. Not on B&T's website. No where. I reached out to B&T but it was after hours EST. No idea on baffles, suppression, design, etc.. But it does check a lot of boxes and is a good volume, length, and weight with HUB compatibility. I will let you all know what I find out. Also almost no information on rokslide regarding B&T. Assuming this is because they typically specialize in semi-autos but if there is another reason I would be interested to know. I was debating between a scythe, AB raptor 8, or a budget option Jolene S when I came across this can with a free stamp.