New Mexico Tags

Dec 19, 2023
First post after years of lurking here. I have a question about New Mexico tags that I’m hoping someone can answer.
My in-laws own a few thousand acres in gmu 40 in New Mexico. No elk hunting there apparently but they do have quite a few Muleys and Pronghorn. Since I’m there a few times each fall (I’m in Kentucky) I figure it’s my best shot to hunt both of those species. My questions are about the tag process. NM fish and wildlife isn’t the most organized website. It seems that in the past you could apply for landowner tags and then the landowner could give/sell those tags. I think that it changed recently and now you apply for landowner certificates that allow you to purchase private land tags instead of just receiving landowner tags. I could be wrong but that’s what I’ve learned from their website. So I will be helping the in-laws through that process over Christmas while I’m there.
My question is once those certificates are issued, does the landowner buy the private land tags and then they can just sell or give me the tag or do I need to use the certificate to buy a non resident private land tag (which I don’t even see as an option)? I will definitely need a non resident license but I’m confused about the tags. Anyone have any experience with this?
I believe you buy the appropriate tag/licenses and then need to have written permission from landowner to hunt the property. There are no allocations for deer tags. As always, contact NMDFG to cover your bases.
You may be right. I kept seeing something about landowners no longer getting tags allocated but instead getting tag certificates. I should probably just stop by one of the DNR headquarters when I’m there and talk to someone. I wish their website was a little better.
Update, I think I’ve gotten closer to figuring this out. It looks like for mule deer and antelope I can just purchase an over the counter private land tag. Which keeps me from having to put in for a draw tag. I should be guaranteed tags using this system. Obviously I have to have written permission from the landowner but it’s my father in law's ranch so that won’t be a problem. So it looks like I’ll be hunting both species in 2024. I still plan on talking to someone in the wildlife agency to make sure. If I get conflicting answers than what I’ve said here I’ll update the post to help anyone in the future.
Yes you can purchase a private land tag for deer or pronghorn OTC but then you must have written permission for the private land you will be hunting. Good strategy is to put in for the long shot hunts in the public draw and then buy your private licenses afterwards. I have not hunted a private land tag; however, I killed my most recent buck on private after contacting a landowner when I saw the buck. That worked out in my favor better than I ever expected. Luckily you have folks that you know, some landowners can be really bad in NM. Luckily for me, I ran into one of the good ones and killed my biggest buck to date because of it.
Yes you can purchase a private land tag for deer or pronghorn OTC but then you must have written permission for the private land you will be hunting. Good strategy is to put in for the long shot hunts in the public draw and then buy your private licenses afterwards. I have not hunted a private land tag; however, I killed my most recent buck on private after contacting a landowner when I saw the buck. That worked out in my favor better than I ever expected. Luckily you have folks that you know, some landowners can be really bad in NM. Luckily for me, I ran into one of the good ones and killed my biggest buck to date because of i

Yes you can purchase a private land tag for deer or pronghorn OTC but then you must have written permission for the private land you will be hunting. Good strategy is to put in for the long shot hunts in the public draw and then buy your private licenses afterwards. I have not hunted a private land tag; however, I killed my most recent buck on private after contacting a landowner when I saw the buck. That worked out in my favor better than I ever expected. Luckily you have folks that you know, some landowners can be really bad in NM. Luckily for me, I ran into one of the good ones and killed my biggest buck to date because of it.
Thank you. That’s probably what I’ll do. Luckily the in laws own a huge piece of land that I see deer and antelope on all the time. Quite a few elk too. Their neighbor just told me I could hunt his place too so I’m hopeful that I can fill some tags next fall.
If your in laws want to sell a couple mule deer tags for 2025 to a couple fellow Appalachian guys from wv let me know or written permission with a trespass fee or however it works.. me and a buddy are banging our heads against the wall trying to figure out our trip out west for 2025 and it’s our first time and possibly only time.. it’s a lot of information and every state is different so it’s draining trying to figure it all out

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If your in laws want to sell a couple mule deer tags for 2025 to a couple fellow Appalachian guys from wv let me know or written permission with a trespass fee or however it works.. me and a buddy are banging our heads against the wall trying to figure out our trip out west for 2025 and it’s our first time and possibly only time.. it’s a lot of information and every state is different so it’s draining trying to figure it all out

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Man the New Mexico license information is difficult for no good reason. So far the only thing I’m certain I can get tags for on their place is antelope. It appears the deer tags in their area are kind of limited.