New Leica 2800.COM - Initial Hands on Review

Once you have uploaded your data/profile do you need to keep your phone connected? Just wondering about battery life and even need to carry my phone once the profile is loaded
I got my 2800 last night and most things were straight forward but I cannot get an output in moa i select 1-4 and my solution comes up with something like C 17 any help would be greatly appreciated
I got my 2800 last night and most things were straight forward but I cannot get an output in moa i select 1-4 and my solution comes up with something like C 17 any help would be greatly appreciated
Rim Runner, you want to set it to 1-1. That should get you what you are looking for, give that a whirl, but if you need more help, PM me and we can get on the phone and go through it.

I was looking at getting one of these units, but I am reading that they only range game out to 500 yards.

Can someone confirm or deny that???

I was looking at getting one of these units, but I am reading that they only range game out to 500 yards.

Can someone confirm or deny that???
Deny. Ranged a black cow at 955 no problem, I’m sure it’s capable of more.
The 500 yard stat came from European sources, so it could be a requirement over there. But I did read the manual off of the Leica website and it stated 500 yard too. Confusion started to fester!
For sure, it will range a lot farther than that on game. How far exactly depends on the conditions of the moment, but I've hit game at over 1k and cows farther still.
Did it return a firing solution at 950?
I don’t think so. I forget what the outer limit is for the “lite” ballistics version either 800 or 900 yards..I’ve been using for ballistics it at shorter ranges with my .22lr (out to 220 or so) and it’s been great.