New Kifaru Packs


Apr 26, 2018
New Zealand
Hi. Several months ago before the Kifaru forum was closed down there was idle talk that they were developing some new smaller packs; EDC, Daypack sizes. Has anyone heard any updates or rumours on this?

P.S. If you're there Bender please feel free to chime in and put us out of our misery...
Only one i've heard recently is a final approach/stalk style pack. It was mentioned on the kifarucast about a month ago when South Cox was on.
They (Kifaru) did not want to continue with the maintenance of the forum (fake accounts, spam, etc). I had been a member since 08’ but hey now I’m here and it seems like a great place.
I'm wondering if guys requesting smaller bags are interested in those that fit on the original frames or are you looking for frameless or smaller framed set ups? It seems like larger bags that are currently available are light weight, cinch down tight when not full, and offer many accessories for customizing. If I want to save a little weightn scouting I switch from my over-sized bag to smaller bag on the same frame.
Probably a little of both. I really like my Door Gunner for short, fast trips. It is also my go-to "summit pack". On the flip side, I also love my 22" hunter frame. I picked this up from the classifieds along with an Apollo about three years ago. I ended up not caring much for the Apollo, but I have used the crap out of the frame with a 22mag, Nomad ( 1 and 2), and Woodsman. I use my 24" frame for larger pack bags and serious load hauling. I do a lot of off season hiking/backpacking, so it has been nice to have a mid-range pack set up and ready to go.