New guy from CA


Jan 24, 2024
North Bay, California
Hi all, I've lurked occasionally over the years, but I'd like to start getting involved in threads and learn more and offer whatever insights I may have.

I started my hunting journey in my early 30s after moving to California. Started with pigs (only ever successful on private land), and am still looking for a public land buck. Hope this year is the year! This year I only have plans for A zone in the North Bay area. I have one spot which seems like it could be good, but I think I need to hike in a lot further than I did last year. I even saw a few bears in that area and am going to get a bear tag this year just in case. Kicking myself for not having one last year because a bear passed within 75 yards of me without even looking up!

I've recently started training more--focusing on cardio and hiking. I am kinda big (225lbs) and need to lose weight to make hiking easier. I've been looking for packs to ruck with. Really interested in Stone Glacier and EXO. Also considering the older Metcalf as it is currently pretty cheap. My hunting is always day hunts from a base camp or truck. So I don't need a ton of pack space, but I do want an external frame to pack out an animal.

I am going to Kodiak Alaska this year (my 3rd time), and that will be my only big hunting trip for the year. We will be sleeping and eating on the boat and going ashore during the day. I got 2 blacktails on my first trip, 1 deer for myself and helped my brother bag an elk on my second, and I think this year we will be targeting deer and be open to elk if the opportunity presents itself.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new CA member.


P.S. You are awarded the FNG ⭐ for the day for your most informative intro even though this highly coveted RS award is usually reserved for those intros with pix, yours clearly is justified. :)
Onxmaps is your friend. First place I would choose is the lake, public land as close to the lake as you can get. They hang close to the houses. Any public land around San ramone ( if there is any) or similar rolling hills. Places that get hit hard like barryessa are a very tough hunt. I had the privilege of knowing people and had lots of land to stomp around on crow canyon. Lots of deer there. Obscure public land is what I would seek out.