New duplex slipping problems

A rock is probably the worst thing to be packing around. Like others have said, use a sand bag or something like that. Duck tape it up so its stays uniform. Even that doesn't feel the same as 60lbs of gear in your pack.
Got out in between rain storms for a quick hike just under 3 miles.

Took out the arrows and put the carbon stays back in, took the tips about ditching the rock and grabbed a fifty pound bag of sand on the way.
Verdict: very little movement from the frame, stayed pretty much were I wanted it.... I did play around with the load lifters and had to tighten the belt a couple times but had no to little shoulder pressure!!! Total weight of the sand and gear was right at 70 lbs.
I do think that the new lumbar pad sits a little different then the older duplex but didn't seem to make difference in comfort!
All in all I'll probably just leave the stays in and not worry about it any more

Thanks for all the advice!
Now you've got me curious to know if it will ride ok with the arrows back in it, but with a more uniform load. I was having similar issues with my Bikini and I ended up ordering the new ultralight frame, but I haven't received it yet. When I saw your thread, my first thought was uh-oh?!

If you get a chance, could you put the arrows back in and let us know how it goes?
If the arrows do not work buy the aluminum stays!!! So many are hung up on ULTRALIGHT. IF ITS LIGHT AND FITS LIKE SHIT.....ITS NO GOOD!! Put aluminum stays in and bend them for a PERFECT FIT! Make up the weight difference some where else if it is that big of a deal. Proper fit trumps saving a few ounces every time.
A couple of years ago I had some belt slipping issues and lumbar pain with really heavy loads. My problem wasn't the frame or belt but how I was loading the bag/weight. Aron was able to coach me a little and my issues went away. Give Aron a call and he'll get you straightened out.
Now you've got me curious to know if it will ride ok with the arrows back in it, but with a more uniform load. I was having similar issues with my Bikini and I ended up ordering the new ultralight frame, but I haven't received it yet. When I saw your thread, my first thought was uh-oh?!

If you get a chance, could you put the arrows back in and let us know how it goes?

I'll try to get out again before this weekend and let you know if the arrows still let it slip.

Something to think about is if you have a flat back you'll probably be better off than I am, I am FAR from a flat back and think that's why the arrows didn't hold well. I got the arrows just to play around with knowing I would use the carbon stays for elk hunting!
I don't have a new duplex, but I ran into similar slipping issues with my legacy duplex. I wasn't getting a proper fit due to the thickness of the lumbar pad. Kifaru swapped out the lumbar pad with a thinner one and problem was solved. You may want to give them a call and see if this would help your situation.

FYI I run aluminum stays bent for a flat back.
I have about 25 days of hunting on mine UL duplex and slipping hasn't been an issue from 100lb loads down. Didn't pack anything heavier. I have from day one ran two sets of arrow stays though.

My biggest issue is I think the med belt is just a hair big as I would of liked to be able to tighten it a tad more but bottomed it out with heavy loads. It still didn't slip down enough to put weight on my shoulders though.